About Clark Tracks

Why choose Clark Tracks?

All of Clark Tracks Forest Machinery Tracks are manufactured from special boron alloy steel. The durability and toughness of the steel is maximised using specialised induction heating processes. Specifically designed and manufactured steel sections and forgings are used to give high performance combined with the longest possible working life. Each set of tracks has been manufactured for use with a particular tyre and should only be used as recommended by this website.

1Increased Machine Stability

Our tracks offer significant improvements in the stability of a machine by increasing the traction footprint and lowering the machines centre of gravity. This is particularly advantageous on steep slopes with loader crane movements.

2Reduce Fuel Consumption

Putting the link system close to the effective rolling radius of the tyre reduces the drag the track adds to the machine / transmission.

3Reduced Ground Damage

Clark Tracks Lite-Link System combined with our advanced flotation profiles (see tracks in the FL, TXL and TXCL ranges) have been specifically designed to minimise ground disturbance by reducing pressure on sensitive soils and ensuring constant levels of grip and traction.

4Increased Traction

Using our tracks will significantly increase traction over normal tyres. This allows forest machines to climb slopes and negotiate obstacles that would otherwise have been impossible.

5Reduced Ground Pressure

Using our tracks will increase the overall footprint of the machine and spread its weight over a much bigger ground contact area. This reduces ground pressure by as much as 50% or more over normal tyres and allows machines to be driven in conditions often impassable without tracks.

6Tyre Protection

Clark Tracks are compatible with a wide range of tyres, offering protection from punctures and other damage, and in many cases, increasing the overall lifetime of the tyre.

Bare Tyres without Clark Tracks:

  • Increased Ground Pressure
  • Less Flotation
  • Deep Ruts
  • Soil Disturbance and compaction.

With Clark Tracks fitted:

  • Increases Contact Area
  • Lower Ground Pressure
  • Increased Flotation
  • Greater Machine Stability
  • Increased Traction
  • Reduced Ground Disturbance.